The “Daniels Digital Services” henceforth will be referred as the Developers and will provide a written Proposal along with other documents (if required) either in hardcopy or in softcopy to the Client (who will ask the developers to develop software application/system and undertake other related activities) stating every details of the deal between the Client and the Developers as much as possible.
1)The client will need to assign at least one dedicated person as the liaison between the client and the Developers. That person(s) will be responsible to transfer the required functional knowledge to the Developers. The same person(s) will need to attend several meetings with the Developers either in person or through remote access of the computers as and when required during the development process.
2)The same person(s) will be responsible to take and assess the delivery and may also issue the signoff documents to us on behalf of the client.
3)The developers may provide an escalation matrix stating the name and contact details of the person concerned as official liaison on behalf of the developers based on the nature and severity of the issues or incidents to the client so that the client may contact with the person concerned at the developers’ end for the purpose of communicating any information or for any queries or clarification.
4)Only written communication between the official liaison on behalf of the developers and the client will be considered valid.
5)The development process will be initiated by the developers preferably upon receive of the formal work order by the Developers from the Client and/or fulfilment of the other obligations by the Client including the commercial obligations as stated in the Proposal. The development process may also be initiated if the client does not raise any objection within 3 (three) subsequent to the intimation from the developers to the client stating start of the development process.
6)The Developers may provide a Non Disclosure Declaration to the Client prior to initiate the process of the development as stated in the Proposal and the document(s) (if any) attached with the Proposal.
7)The development process will take place at the software development facility of the developers anywhere within or outside India.
8)The developers shall not be held responsible or liable to any person / entity that may suffer or claim to suffer loss or damage arising out of the use of any information and/or functionality of the proposed website or software application. The client will be held entirely liable or responsible for the same as the owner of the same.
9)The developers shall not be held responsible or liable to any person / entity for any breach of the laws of the land taken place due to the information displayed in this proposed website or software application. The client will be held entirely liable or responsible for the same.
10)The developers reserve the right to mention their Credits on this proposed website / software application for development work done by Daniels Digital Services.
11)The developers also reserve the right to reproduce and display this proposed website / software application as demonstrations and examples of the design and work of Daniels Digital Services.
12)Work will be carried out within the proposed schedule will be dependent on the content/information provided by the Client upon requirement of the developers.
13)Failure by the Client to provide content/information within 2 working days upon requirement given by the developers will result in timeline being re-scheduled.
14)The commercial estimate stated in the proposal is based on the requirements mentioned in the Proposal along with other document(s) (if any) attached with the Proposal. Any change in the requirements or delays in communication will have a direct impact on the cost of the Project, which will be calculated and invoiced by developers on the Client.
15)Implementation beyond the timeline as mentioned in the Proposal along with other document(s) (if any) attached with the Proposal, will be charged extra on a hourly/monthly basis.
16)zThe client will need to undertake the entire responsibilities in terms of conveyance, lodging accommodation, food and out of the pocket expenses of the personnel deployed by the developers for the purpose of discussion, requirement gathering, training and implementation of this software application beyond the jurisdiction of the Kolkata.
17)Failure by the Client to fulfil the commercial obligations as stated in the proposal will result in timeline being re-scheduled.
18)The developers reserve the right to terminate the project or withheld the development process in case of the failure of the payment or other requisites on the part of the client according to the decided terms and conditions.
19)The client will be liable to clear all the outstanding and will not be entitled to claim any refund of the amount paid to the developers till the date of termination of the project/tasks/deal assigned to the developers by the client in case of the termination of the project/tasks/deal take place a result of the decision/action taken by the Client during or after the course of the development and implementation.